Open for 50 weeks of the year in Frinton-On-Sea Essex
Including in our full day price is a morning and afternoon snack for children attending all day.
Our Fees are payable monthly in advance via cash or bank transfer.
We review our fee charges every April.
To remain sustainable we have a Consumables charge of 50p per hour to cover the costs government funding doesn’t cover eg activities, trips, snack, resources.
( This does not apply to non funded places as our hourly rate already covers this cost.)
Should you have a cause for concern in relation to making the consumables charge please speak to a member of the management Team.
We offer government funded places for 2-4year olds to eligible parents.
What is the Funded Early Education Entitlement?
Children in the UK are eligible for funding provided by the UK Government, allowing them to have a good early years education to give them the best start in life. The funding covers term time only hours and is not intended to cover the costs of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional activities.
Funding for two to four-year olds is 15 hours per week, for 38 weeks (term time only). An additional 15 hours a week, totalling 30 hours funding a week, for 38 weeks, is available for eligible working parents of 3 and 4-year-olds.
Although the government funding covers term time hours we offer the option to ‘stretch’ the funding across the year for those who wish to attend all year. Our normal hourly rate will apply to the hours not covered by the funding .
Consumables charge:
Due to the shortfall between our hourly rate and the government funding rate, to be able to remain sustainable we have a small consumables charge which applies to funded spaces. (non funded spaces are already covering the cost in paying our hourly rate)
Am I eligible?
To check if you are eligible and to apply please go to the Essex Education Portal to complete an application form.If you are successful you will be given a unique code which you can enter on your funding form to claim the funded hours.
Open 50 weeks of the year 8.30-5.30. Funded spaces available.